Support groups

In the last few years there has been a proliferation of groups of patients facing the same problem who meet and share their experiences. Cancer patients have been the last to form groups because the taboos associated with this disease meant that those affected did not reveal the diagnosis, and also because the much lower chances of overcoming the illness meant that the patient’sRELATION to their disease was centered exclusively on the medical aspects.

With the increase in survival rates, the lengthening of the advanced stages of the disease, and thus the shift in pessimism regarding cancer, patients have begun to talk about their illness before more or less sizable groups, and well-known people from different circles have given testimony of their own experience. This is how cancer support groups started. The first to form, and the only ones for quite some time, were for breast cancer. Nowadays there are a variety of groups, many of them operating on a local level, to facilitate attendance of patients from the same area. (see the Breast Cancer Federation). In any case, given the expansion of the Internet as a tool forCONTACT and information, new groups are appearing inWEB PAGES (chats, forums, psychological help…)

There are several kind of groups, psychotherapy, self-help, psycho-educative, and the difference is in the objectives of the sessions and whether or not a qualified professional is involved.

We at FEFOC support groups lead by professionals, since although personal experiences are very important, they should be confirmed by scientific data and not by individual beliefs. FEFOC has its own breast cancer support group.CONTACT us if you would like information more information.

For those who can’t come inPERSON, we have a forum.



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